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  • Reading in the History classroom: why, what and how?

    Why read with our pupils at all? It is a struggle to put into words just how important reading is in pupils’ everyday lives and for success in our subject. Keith Stanovich uses the phrase ‘the Matthew Effect’ to describe the way in which early exposure to reading usually leads to faster progress later in…

  • Historical significance: the concept that is hard to pin down!

    Historical significance: the concept that is hard to pin down!

    Why significance matters to us For us, both ‘significance’ and ‘interpretations’ are a bit of a category of their own. Whilst regular second-order concepts such as causation and change get pupils involved in history first-hand, significance and interpretations seem to do something different. These concepts allow us to take a step back and look at…

  • Power in India through material culture: how we have used the story of the Koh-i-Noor diamond to explore imperial rule

    Power in India through material culture: how we have used the story of the Koh-i-Noor diamond to explore imperial rule

    Of all the examples of colonial loot, the Koh-i-Noor diamond is one of the most controversial. The recent decision to avoid using it in the upcoming coronation ceremony seems a sensible one considering the many disagreements and competing claims over its past and future. The question we wanted to explore with our Year 9s is:…